How to become a voice over artist
I can help you get started
I’ve been in the business for over 15 years so I have learnt a thing or two
You may not realise it, but you hear the work of a voice over artist numerous times a day: On your voicemail, on the trains telling you which stops are next, on the video games you play, on the radio in-between songs, on the audiobook you’re listening to, on the online course you’re taking. The list goes on!
Voice over artists are paid to catch your attention and educate, entertain or advertise across various genres of media.
You may think it’s easy to make money, but being a successful voice over artist isn’t just about speaking into a microphone. You have to have good diction & breath-work; be naturally versatile and have a dynamic and expressive voice; you have to be conscientious and punctual; and last but not least, you need to have bags of confidence!
If you’re thinking, yep this is me, I could do this! Then voice overs could be the perfect job for you.
I can help you take the first steps into your exciting new career where you could be working for a multitude of companies internationally that span across radio, TV, film, gaming and the corporate world.
If you’re an actor then voice overs are a perfect way to earn a lot of money whilst still being creative.
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